Eleven years ago, the POLICE INSPECTOR CARLO MAGNO M MANUEL had a vision.. To unify the Police Commissioned Officers from different fields of expertise who entered the Philippine National Police Officers Corps via Lateral Entry Program. PINSP MANUEL was then a newly appointed Police Inspector in 2001 who personally subscribe to the idea of legitimate institution which shall be the cradle of alliance, togetherness, oneness and interactive exchange of knowhow from various professionals and the idea of widening the horizon of networks of every officers in line with mission and vision of the Philippine National Police.
A criminologist by profession, then PINSP MANUEL first assignment was in the mountainous region of Cordillera became very optimistic about his vision when he continuously discovered that hi co-officers are also a lateral entry officers themselves. He met and became friends with lawyers, doctors, priest, engineers, nurses, dentist, architect, criminologist and other professionals who are also Police Commissioned Officers. Instant camaraderie prevailed and the sense of belongingness existed. The realization of his vision is quite within reach.
Suffice to say that determination perseverance and will power paid off despite obstacle, bottlenecks and hurdles of inside forces experienced PINSP MANUEL did not slow him down a bit to orchestrate the fragments of an organization composed of lateral entry.
The vision became a BRAIN CHILD and APOLE was registered with Securities and Exchange Commission on December 3, 2003, the PINSP MANUEL together with the other four (4) Board Of Directors namely, then PINSP APOLLO REUBEN B TOGONON a pilot, then PINSP LOI SOLOMON L GARCIA a doctor, then PSINSP JOSE OGBAC JR and then PINSP BENITO DE LEON both criminologist. A little trivia, that the original office of APOLE is at 34 Sala Lilia Street, Project 4, Quezon City, a small apartment for rent where informal meetings were conducted then, From a meager FIVE (5) members, APOLE is fast growing to be a matured, responsible and excellent FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY (4,190) members all over the Philippine archipelago.
This Association is unique and exclusive for it is the only one of its kind where all kinds of professional in the Philippines National Police were bind together. APOLE now is the melting pot of the all licensed professionals interchanging knowledge, bearing in mind the welfare of each member and aligning their program of activities within the mission and vision of the Philippine National Police.